America Never Makes It Across The River

Donald Trump is a Scorpion

Let’s Stop Being The Frog

Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP
3 min readNov 10, 2020


Photo by Shayna Take on Unsplash

Remember the old saying, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me?”

How many times does America need to be fooled into thinking that Trump is going to do the decent thing?

He is not. Has has not and he simply never will.

Donald Trump does not operate like a mentally or emotionally healthy person who has empathy for another. He operates totally on the premise of what’s good for Donald Trump. That’s it. There’s no super genius strategy. No bigly ideas. Just, what’s in it for him. This is not new for DT as he has been this way for decades.

America has been in a 4 year abusive relationship each time going back to the abuser thinking this time is going to be different. Only the abuse doesn’t stop and often times gets worse.

I realize, 70 million plus love and voted to give their abuser another 4 year commitment. Why? These aren’t stupid people. These are simply people who regardless of what has been done to them have failed to see it.

The only way I can rationalize their behavior is like this. They know DT is a bully as they have all seen what he has done. Yet, they justify it somehow as it’s okay. They…



Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP

The Optimal Life, It’s Not Perfect, Just Better! I’ve been on a many decade quest to optimize my life in all areas and would love to help you do the same.